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1192 East Draper Parkway #406 Draper, UT 84020

Give Us a Call at 801-576-0428 or 435-645-3900

Customer Services

Preferred Pool and Spa offers the following services:

Service areas are Park City Area, Salt Lake Valley, Farmington and Bountiful. Call for all other areas. (801) 576-0428

Our Services

  • Spas

    1. Weekly Maintenance - once a week ($85.00 per month)
      Includes: Chemicals, keep spa clean and ready for use.
    2. Every Other Week Maintenance - once every other week ($60.00 per month)
      Includes: Chemicals, keep spa clean and ready for use.
    3. Extra drain and refill of a spa ($90.00 or $60.00 for existing maintenance customers)
  • Pools

    1. Basic Pool Maintenance - starts at $150.00 a month (chemicals not included).
      We must see the pool to give an exact estimate.
    2. Startup and Closing - Averages $150.00 to $200.00